Tuesday 17 January 2012

Happy New Year!

Well it is better late than never! Sorry I have been rather absent, I would blame Christmas, but even I can't drag the festivities out that long so I will be honest and blame my utter laziness, and life, but mainly the fact that the less I do (not going out to work, long dark days equal less dog walking etc) the less I want to do, that old saying of "If you want something done ask a busy person" has always been true for me, the more I have to do the more I achieve!

On that note I have been job hunting for a few months now, admittedly the lazy version of job hunting (on-line!) with absolutely no success, I have limited my search field by wanting to work part-time, but there really is very little out there, and the jobs that are out there are completely oversubscribed ... as a result I have joined the gym! If I can't go out and about in the workplace I will be working on me instead, typical NY resolution I know, but in my defence I have been a couple of times and am off again today, hopefully my extra stone will bugger off and when the husband gets back from the sandy place he will be pleased to see a super sexy version of his wife waiting for him! Failing that I'll take the dogs and distract him by letting them mug him!

On that note I am going to take the boys out for a lovely long frosty walk, and then I'm going to go to the gym, I may even follow up all of these endeavours with a bit more job hunting *gasp*!