Sunday 13 November 2011

Bits & Bobs

Busy month so far and we're only two weeks in! MOT & service for my car, house insurance sorted out, I have started tweeting and the in-laws have been up to stay. Plus hubby has been away more than he has been here, including disappearing half way though his parents visit lol, as much as I love them that was a rather long and stressful 24 hours!

Tonight (I started writing this last Monday!) I am watching The Choir: Military Wives on BBC2. It is fabulous and seems like a really good idea, despite the fact that it is making me cry! Gareth Malone wants to give the wives a voice, a very good and noble intention. Sadly, as far as I can tell we don't have a room with a piano! Plus I think that the small sense of community we do have on our patch would evaporate in a millisecond if I subjected the other wives to my singing voice!

Since taking over the newsletter and helping to organise events, I have realised that there really is not any sense of community here, the Regt is very spread out, not everyone is on the patch as there aren't a huge amount of quarters, but still, transport if available - although not well advertised! - and previously there have not been many events on that the wives have wanted to attend .. I am hoping that will change and we'll build up to being a true community, but we'll see!

However,  the army seems to want a community whilst being in charge of what comes out of a non-regulated part of the Regt .. opinions vary as to whether or not the wives are part of the army, as a 'wife of' I think we are a part in a support 'Rear Party' role, but we do not come under the army's authority, however much they wish we did!

All in all I am finding army life really good although slightly isolating. I don't feel a part of 'normal' life anymore, but as someone who lives on an army patch but who is not serving in the army I don't really feel part of army life .. somewhat stuck in the middle! The other wives I have met have all been lovely but - why is there always a but?! - being true British wives, we all tend to put a brave face on it as we don't want it going around the Regt that so-and-so's wife isn't coping and isn't she a bit pathetic! We know that people would be supportive, but just in case we keep our game face on and get on with it, just as our boys do.

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