Monday 15 August 2011

The Big Move Up North

Well I am now officially up North! The move itself wasn't too bad, I managed to pack up quite a lot of our old home in Kent whilst hubby was away working and we then did the remainder together, we have SO much stuff! Seriously, I have no idea how it all fitted into our old place!  We moved up in convoy, our Bongo (a fab people carrier/van thing) filled with kitchen stuff and my car with Jack, Sparks and their various bits & bobs. The drive wasn't too bad, about 6 hours all in with a coffee break/leg stretch for Jack dog and pretty much collapsed into bed when we got here.

Had a fab first week, lots of sunshine and sorting out, the kitchen had a new floor fitted which meant I couldn't unpack or do anything for the first 3 days, we camped out in what will be the study/snug with a tiny fridge which fitted a pint of milk, the kettle and two camping chairs, oddly I rather enjoyed it! Finally got access to my kitchen (which is twice the size of our old one but laid out in such an awkward way that it has half the work surfaces, very strange!) and set about cleaning it as it was covered in dust from the new floor being put down.  I had to use oven cleaner on the top of the wall mounted units they were so disgusting! Unpacked and then set off back to Kent together to pick up our hired luton van and do the first 'proper' move ... the luton managed about 40/50 mph up any sort of incline on the way back up North ... it was a rather long drive for my poor hubby!

The big unpack then began and my hubby had to drive back to Kent for the next load whilst his lovely parents drove up from Exeter to help him and I stayed up North to start sorting things out, basically the move took a while! Poor hubby has driven about 3000 miles over the last 3 weeks and is rather blinking tired as a result!

House is still in the process of getting sorted, piles of stuff everywhere and 101 things to do .. including chasing our wedding list people as we have only just unpacked the gifts and an awful lot of things still haven't been sent out, absolutely fuming!

Will write another post soon about the newest addition to our family, yup Marne is here! He is utterly gorgeous and flat out as I write this, I'd forgotten how much puppies need to sleep!

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