Sunday 28 August 2011


Marne has officially landed, well he landed two weeks ago now, it has flown by! He was very good on the way home, I picked him up using Sparks' cat carrier so he could get used to her smell before he met her, I felt rather guilty taking him home as he was the last one to leave from the litter, he has been very loved and will be missed, not so much by Wysiwig (his mum) but definitely by Geraldine! He yodelled for 5 minutes once in the car and then settled down to the serious matter of sleeping.  I have never heard any dog yodel before, apparently it is a Border Terrier speciality!  It is absolutely hilarious, he has done it a few times since when I have shut him in the kitchen (stair gates are a must when you have a puppy in the house!) to do something and each time it just cracks me up, endless entertainment!

Sleepy Marne learning how to take over the sofa!

Jack has been an absolute star, possibly the best big brother in the world I think. He wasn't too sure what exactly I'd brought home when we first turned up, sniffed him and then jumped on my lap and turned the "What have I done wrong? Whatever it is I'm sorry and please take this smelly thing away!" eyes on me bless him.  48 hours later and the racey chasey games and the wrestling started ... they haven't stopped since!

Marne sleeps in a crate (in our bedroom) and Jack sleeps wherever he wants, generally on the bed but sometimes under it, depends on the temperature, now we are up North he is mostly on the bed bang smack in the middle!  Jack likes having us to himself at night, Marne wakes up earlier than he is used to (6 rather than 7) and he refuses to go outside with him & the hubby, and has an extra hour of cuddles with me instead.  I am trying to give him a lot of time with just him and me but it is more difficult to turn it around and let Marne have the attention he needs/deserves as Jack doesn't need half the amount of sleep and tries to join in whenever I'm training/playing with Marne bless him.

Talking of training, puppy classes begin on the 6th September! I cannot wait to start, Caroline has been recommended to me through a rescue friend of mine, Mogs, she is a bit further away than the local classes ... the last time I did local classes I ended up in a rather large argument with the "trainer" because he was an idiot ... so this time I am going with recommendations! I can't wait to start, Jack is 6 in September so I have completely forgotten what a puppy needs to know! Marne already responds to his name (recall is iffy but there are far more interesting things than me in his world still at the moment - I must make more tuna cake!) and sits like a star.  Luckily he appears to be like Jack and an absolute foodie so he should be rather easy to train ... although he is a terrier so we'll see!

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