Monday 11 July 2011

4 days to go ...

My last Monday at my current job has now been and gone ... I am very excited about our new life up North and I can't wait to move and see how 'proper' army life will be, it is one thing marrying someone in the army but actually living on the patch will be like being back at boarding school ... other than living with a boy and being allowed to drink that is!!  I am rather apprehensive about not having a job though, even though I will have 101 things to do - puppy training and Jack training at the forefront of those tasks, such a chore! - I am not sure whether I will drive myself (and therefore my lovely hubby!) nuts by not having a job, he has given me until 2012 before I give in and find work, but I think it may be sooner than that, even if it is charity work or something part-time I reckon I'll drive us all mad if I don't do something, unless our non furry family starts - fingers crossed!

The lovely Becky - who is having the girl from the same litter our new furry baby is coming from - emailed this pic of our boy to me tonight, he is utterly gorgeous and 5 weeks old here, I cannot believe how much bigger he is in a week!  His ears alone are twice the size!

I've got my eye on you!

Just a quick mindless bit of info for you all, I absolutely LOVE One Tree Hill, Monday nights are once again complete!

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