Thursday 7 July 2011

An Introduction

The aim of this is purely to help me keep a track of everything that is happening before, during and after our move up North from deepest darkest Kent.

Our life is about to change dramatically, we'll be moving onto the patch (married quarters on an army camp) at the end of the month, I will be giving up my job in about a week to start packing up our house and a border terrier pup will be joining us (the hubby, Jack our collie cross, Sparks our puss-prat and I) once we've moved. There will undoubtedly be a lot of puppy photos which will hopefully make up for my ramblings!

The move itself is very exciting, new area, new people and new puppy, all good! Giving up work again isn't too much fun, I've never not worked but I'm hoping the pup and this blog will keep me out of too much mischief .... I guess we'll just have to wait and see!

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