Monday 18 July 2011

Lady of Leisure

Well work is officially finished!  My last day was Friday, it was rather strange as I have been so excited about our new life up North that I hadn't really thought about leaving work, more about all the things I have to do before we move!

It was a fab day, I tidied up my desk, emailed all 'my' IFAs to say goodbye and thanks for being lovely, bought a ton of cakes for work to say thanks for a fab 16 months and - of course! - went to the pub for goodbye drinks.  All of which was followed by a thoroughly embarrassing goodbye speech from my 'boss' (as boss was a boy he obviously couldn't really be my boss, as everyone knows, girls rule boys drool, fact) which included the story about the time we took some IFAs to Newmarket races and I ended up throwing a tiny teeny amount of water over one particularly icky and letchy IFA!  In my defence he really did deserve it, he was horrible, one of those types of middle aged blokes who thinks they are fantastic and that all women love them, UGH!  I managed to say something not too embarrassing in reply and urged them all to enjoy the peace & quiet!

After all of that there was then a silly amount of spoiling, a couple of lovely plants for our new home up North, some booze and a gift voucher for M&S, as I said a silly amount of spoiling bless them!

So I am now officially a lady of leisure ... and I have to be honest, it feels good!

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